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Alexandria Florists - Flower Shops

Local Businesses: 35

Alexandria Flowers

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-3461
Categories: Florists

Alexandria Public Wholesale Florist

4406 Wheeler Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22304-6417
(703) 370-1092
Categories: Florists

Bloom Fresh Flowers

625 South Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-4109
(703) 299-9929 +view more
Products: Fresh-Cut Flowers, Roses, Bouquets, Custom Baskets, Fountains & Waterfalls,…
Services: English Garden Designs, Funeral Home, Hospitals, Landscaping & Maintenance,…
Categories: Florists


924 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3019
(571) 312-0852
Categories: Florists, Cosmetics & Perfumes Outlets

Christopher's Flowers

7300 Beulah Street
Alexandria, VA 22315-3522
(703) 922-5557 +view more
Maria Bursenos (Manager)
Products: Arrangements, Balloons, Fruit, Fresh Flowers, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Gift Baskets,…
Services: Balloon Decorating, Contemporary Designs, Traditional Designs, Locations Served,…
Categories: Florists, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Comic & Card Collectorama

2008 Mount Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301-1310
(703) 548-3466
Dennis Webb (Owner)
Products: Books, Memorabilia, Sports Cards
Categories: Florists, Baseball Cards & Sports Memorabilia, Comic Book Stores

Conklyn's Florist

2102 Jefferson Davis Highway
Alexandria, VA 22301-1005
(703) 299-9000 +view more
David Hicks (Ceo)
Categories: Gift Baskets, Florists, Fruit & Vegetable Markets, Wholesale & Retail

Conklyn's Inc

1205 Trinity Drive
Alexandria, VA 22314-4723
(703) 566-2237 +view more
Categories: Florists

Festival Of Flowers

6933 Telegraph Road
Alexandria, VA 22310-3320
(703) 329-2245 +view more
Categories: Florists

Foxchase Florist

4613 Duke Street Suite A
Alexandria, VA 22304-2559
(703) 370-3602 +view more
Sung Park (Owner)
Products: Bouquets, Containers, Exotics & Tropicals, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Gift Baskets,…
Services: Consultations, Worldwide, Designer, Planning
Categories: Florists

Foxglove Flowers

1535 North Quaker Lane
Alexandria, VA 22302-2614
(703) 820-4200
Categories: Florists

Helen Olivia Flowers

128 North Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3167
(703) 548-2848
Categories: Florists, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Hybla Valley Nursery

2801 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306-1615
(703) 768-1100
Cecil Case (Manager)
Categories: Florists, Plant & Tree Nursery

K Aubrey Flowers

1401 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2714
(703) 548-9808 +view more
Kevin Canfield (Owner)
Categories: Florists

King Street Flowers

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5604
Categories: Florists, Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Landmark Florist

4820 Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22312-1707
(703) 256-7673 +view more
Mona Rezia (Partner)
Products: Fresh-Cut Flowers
Categories: Florists, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Marita Alabaster

4318 Adrienne Drive
Alexandria, VA 22309-2803
(703) 799-9570
Products: Body, Food & Fruit Baskets, Frames, Garden Tools
Services: Consultations, Personal Services, Designer, Planning
Categories: Florists

Middle Atlantic Wholesale Florist

4406 Wheeler Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22304-6417
(703) 370-1092 +view more
Products: Fresh-Cut Flowers
Categories: Florist Supplies & Equipment, Florists

Nicole's Flowers

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5604 +view more
Tim Marcey (Owner)
Categories: Florists, Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Old Town Florist

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5604
Categories: Florists

Old Town Flowers

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5604
Categories: Florists, Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Olde Towne Florist & Flowers

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 299-6077 +view more
Jonnie Banks (Manager)
Products: Fruits, Vegetables
Services: Cemeteries, Funeral Home, Hospitals, Locations Served, Mortuaries
Categories: Florists

People's Flower Shop

509 North Alfred Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2226
(703) 836-1335
Categories: Florists

Petals Floral Design

624 North Washington Street Suite 2
Alexandria, VA 22314-1926
(703) 518-8488
Rebecca Henry (Owner)
Categories: Florists

Sunflower Florist

5906 North Kings Highway
Alexandria, VA 22303-2018
(703) 768-4594
Phillip Son (Manager)
Products: Bath & Beauty Products
Categories: Florists

The Enchanted Florist

139 South Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3301
(703) 549-0012 +view more
Phyllis Kennedy (Owner)
Categories: Florists

The Virginia Florist Llc

1632 Belle View Boulevard
Alexandria, VA 22307-6531
(703) 765-3355
Categories: Florists

Virginia American

Alexandria, VA 22301
(703) 549-0909
Categories: Florists

Virginia American

1316 Mount Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301-1714
(703) 491-2136 +view more
Categories: Florists

Virginia Florist

7908 Fort Hunt Road
Alexandria, VA 22308-1203
(703) 765-0701
Categories: Florists

Washington Square Flowers

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5604
Categories: Florists, Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Washington Square Flowers Of Alexandria

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5605
Categories: Florists

Washington Square Flowers Of Old Town

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5605
Categories: Florists

Washington Street Florist

630 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
(703) 548-5604
Categories: Florists, Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues


311 Cameron Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3219
(703) 360-1042 +view more
Stephanie Melvin (Owner)
Categories: Florists
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